I had someone
tell me recently that they love over-the-knee boots but they were hesitant in buying a pair because they were unsure on how to wear
them without looking like a "hoochie" mamma.
So, it raises the question; are over-the-knee boots stylish or trashy?
I'm going to say, "STYLISH" all the way! So stylish that I am starting to question whether they are on the way to becoming a winter "shoedrobe" staple.
Most of us already own a pair of boots right? So whether your current pair are knee high or ankle, over-the-knee is just another option you can apply to switch up an outfit. Some of you may never jump on board this style of boot and that's o.k. Realistically, they are not for everyone, but if you do like them and want to give them a go, perhaps I can help.
The fail safe advice I can give you is that if you keep the rest of your outfit demure, wearing an over-the-knee boot is certainly not going to place you in the "trashy" basket. If anything, it'll just add a little "edge" your outfit may be craving.
Here are some examples of how to wear these booties and still look like a woman full of class. On top of that, they will help you see through the rest of winter without an inch of goosebumps on your pins. Just another reason why I love them.

Images created on Polyvore by Maim Melbourne
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